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accept(int) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.CheckedIntConsumer
accept(CheckedBiConsumer<T, U, ?>, T, U) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
Invokes CheckedConsumer.accept(Object) catching any checked Exceptions rethrowing as unchecked.
accept(CheckedConsumer<T, ?>, T) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
Invokes CheckedConsumer.accept(Object) catching any checked Exceptions rethrowing as unchecked.
accept(CheckedIntConsumer<?>, int) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
Invokes CheckedIntConsumer.accept(int) catching any checked Exceptions rethrowing as unchecked.
accept(T) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.CheckedConsumer
accept(T, U) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.CheckedBiConsumer
allMatch(CheckedPredicate<? super T, ?>) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.EmeticStream
and(CheckedPredicate<? super T, ? extends E>) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.CheckedPredicate
andThen(CheckedBiConsumer<? super T, ? super U, ? extends E>) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.CheckedBiConsumer
andThen(CheckedConsumer<? super T, ? extends E>) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.CheckedConsumer
andThen(CheckedFunction<? super R, ? extends V, ? extends E>) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.CheckedBiFunction
andThen(CheckedFunction<? super R, ? extends V, ? extends E>) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.CheckedFunction
andThen(CheckedIntConsumer<? extends E>) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.CheckedIntConsumer
andThen(CheckedRunnable<? extends E>) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.CheckedRunnable
anyMatch(CheckedPredicate<? super T, ?>) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.EmeticStream
apply(int) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.CheckedIntFunction
apply(CheckedBiFunction<T, U, R, ?>, T, U) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
Invokes CheckedFunction.apply(Object) catching any checked Exceptions rethrowing as unchecked.
apply(CheckedFunction<T, R, ?>, T) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
Invokes CheckedFunction.apply(Object) catching any checked Exceptions rethrowing as unchecked.
apply(T) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.CheckedFunction
apply(T, U) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.CheckedBiFunction
applyAsDouble(CheckedToDoubleFunction<T, ?>, T) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
Invokes applyAsDouble(Object) catching any checked Exceptions rethrowing as unchecked.
applyAsDouble(T) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.CheckedToDoubleFunction
applyAsInt(CheckedToIntBiFunction<T, U, ?>, T, U) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
Invokes CheckedFunction.apply(Object) catching any checked Exceptions rethrowing as unchecked.
applyAsInt(CheckedToIntFunction<T, ?>, T) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
Invokes CheckedToIntFunction.applyAsInt(Object) catching any checked Exceptions rethrowing as unchecked.
applyAsInt(T) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.CheckedToIntFunction
applyAsInt(T, T) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.CheckedComparator
applyAsInt(T, U) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.CheckedToIntBiFunction
Applies this function to the given arguments.
applyAsLong(CheckedToLongFunction<T, ?>, T) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
Invokes CheckedToLongFunction.applyAsLong(Object) catching any checked Exceptions rethrowing as unchecked.
applyAsLong(T) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.CheckedToLongFunction
autoClosing(T, CheckedConsumer<T, E>) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Closing
Reshape instances to fit try-catch autoclose.


call(Callable<T>) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
Invokes Callable.call() catching any checked Exceptions rethrowing as unchecked.
CheckedBiConsumer<T,U,E extends Throwable> - Interface in io.earcam.unexceptional
A checked parallel of BiConsumer
CheckedBiFunction<T,U,R,E extends Throwable> - Interface in io.earcam.unexceptional
A checked parallel of BiFunction
CheckedBinaryOperator<T,E extends Throwable> - Interface in io.earcam.unexceptional
A checked parallel of BinaryOperator
CheckedComparator<T,E extends Throwable> - Interface in io.earcam.unexceptional
A checked equivalent of Comparator, also extends CheckedToIntBiFunction
CheckedConsumer<T,E extends Throwable> - Interface in io.earcam.unexceptional
A checked exception version of Consumer
CheckedFunction<T,R,E extends Throwable> - Interface in io.earcam.unexceptional
A checked parallel of Function
CheckedIntConsumer<E extends Throwable> - Interface in io.earcam.unexceptional
CheckedIntFunction<R,E extends Throwable> - Interface in io.earcam.unexceptional
A checked parallel of IntFunction
CheckedPredicate<T,E extends Throwable> - Interface in io.earcam.unexceptional
A checked parallel of Predicate
CheckedRunnable<E extends Throwable> - Interface in io.earcam.unexceptional
A checked parallel of Runnable Essentially Runnable that has the declared propensity to throw For the equivalent of Callable, see CheckedSupplier
CheckedSupplier<T,E extends Throwable> - Interface in io.earcam.unexceptional
A checked parallel of Supplier
CheckedToDoubleFunction<T,E extends Throwable> - Interface in io.earcam.unexceptional
A checked parallel of ToDoubleFunction
CheckedToIntBiFunction<T,U,E extends Throwable> - Interface in io.earcam.unexceptional
A function accepting 2 arguments and supplying an int return
CheckedToIntFunction<T,E extends Throwable> - Interface in io.earcam.unexceptional
A checked parallel of ToIntFunction
CheckedToLongFunction<T,E extends Throwable> - Interface in io.earcam.unexceptional
A checked parallel of ToLongFunction
close() - Method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Closing.AutoClosed
close() - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.EmeticStream
Closes the wrapped stream, invoking all registered close handlers.
closeAfterAccepting(C, CheckedConsumer<C, ?>) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Closing
Consumes the closeable before closing.
closeAfterAccepting(C, U, CheckedBiConsumer<C, U, ?>) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Closing
Consumes both the closeable and instance before closing.
closeAfterAccepting(CheckedFunction<T, C, ?>, T, CheckedConsumer<C, ?>) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Closing
Applies the create function to t, resulting in a AutoCloseable which is closed after being consumed.
closeAfterAccepting(CheckedFunction<T, C, ?>, T, U, CheckedBiConsumer<C, U, ?>) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Closing
closeAfterApplying(C, CheckedFunction<C, R, ?>) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Closing
Applies the function to the closeable, returning the result and closing the closable - checked exceptions are rethrown as unchecked.
closeAfterApplying(C, U, CheckedBiFunction<C, U, R, E>) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Closing
Applies the bi-function to the closeable, returning the result and closing the closable - checked exceptions are rethrown as unchecked.
closeAfterApplying(CheckedFunction<T, C, ?>, T, CheckedFunction<C, R, ?>) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Closing
Ultra-shorthand for AutoCloseable/Closeable, obvious use for InputStream
Closing - Class in io.earcam.unexceptional
Succinctly handle AutoCloseables that throw checked Exceptions.
Closing.AutoClosed<T,E extends Exception> - Class in io.earcam.unexceptional
collect(CheckedSupplier<R, ?>, CheckedBiConsumer<R, ? super T, ?>, CheckedBiConsumer<R, R, ?>) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.EmeticStream
collect(Collector<? super T, A, R>) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.EmeticStream
compare(T, T) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.CheckedComparator
comparing(CheckedFunction<? super T, ? extends U, ? extends E>) - Static method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.CheckedComparator
comparing(CheckedFunction<? super T, ? extends U, ? extends E>, CheckedComparator<? super U, ? extends E>) - Static method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.CheckedComparator
comparingDouble(CheckedToDoubleFunction<? super T, ? extends E>) - Static method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.CheckedComparator
comparingInt(CheckedToIntFunction<? super T, ? extends E>) - Static method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.CheckedComparator
comparingLong(CheckedToLongFunction<? super T, ? extends E>) - Static method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.CheckedComparator
compose(CheckedFunction<? super V, ? extends T, ? extends E>) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.CheckedFunction
count() - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.EmeticStream


emesis(CheckedFunction<T, Stream<R>, ?>, T) - Static method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.EmeticStream
emesis(Stream<T>) - Static method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.EmeticStream
Wrap a stream in order to invoke check functions on it
EmeticStream<T> - Interface in io.earcam.unexceptional
EmeticStream provides a functional parallel to Stream, with methods taking checked equivalents of java.util.function
Exceptional - Class in io.earcam.unexceptional
Static utility for easy conversion of checked exceptions, and invocation of methods declaring checked exceptions.


filter(CheckedPredicate<? super T, ?>) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.EmeticStream
flatMap(CheckedFunction<? super T, ? extends Stream<? extends R>, ?>) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.EmeticStream
flatMapToDouble(CheckedFunction<? super T, ? extends DoubleStream, ?>) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.EmeticStream
flatMapToInt(CheckedFunction<? super T, ? extends IntStream, ?>) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.EmeticStream
flatMapToLong(CheckedFunction<? super T, ? extends LongStream, ?>) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.EmeticStream
forEach(CheckedConsumer<? super T, ?>) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.EmeticStream
forEach(Iterable<T>, CheckedConsumer<T, ?>) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
Invokes the Iterable.forEach(Consumer) method having unchecked the consumer
forEach(Map<K, V>, CheckedBiConsumer<K, V, ?>) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
Invokes the Map.forEach(BiConsumer) method having unchecked the bi-consumer
forEachOrdered(CheckedConsumer<? super T, ?>) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.EmeticStream


get() - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.CheckedSupplier
get() - Method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Closing.AutoClosed
get(CheckedSupplier<T, ?>) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
Invokes CheckedSupplier.get() catching any checked Exceptions rethrowing as unchecked.


identity() - Static method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.CheckedFunction
io.earcam.unexceptional - package io.earcam.unexceptional
Simple utility for dealing with checked exceptions.
isParallel() - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.EmeticStream
Returns whether the wrapped stream would execute in parallel, if a terminal operation were executed.
iterator() - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.EmeticStream
Returns an iterator for the elements of the wrapped stream.


map(CheckedFunction<? super T, ? extends R, ?>) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.EmeticStream
mapToDouble(CheckedToDoubleFunction<? super T, ?>) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.EmeticStream
mapToInt(CheckedToIntFunction<? super T, ?>) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.EmeticStream
mapToLong(CheckedToLongFunction<? super T, ?>) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.EmeticStream
mapToStream() - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.EmeticStream
max(CheckedComparator<? super T, ?>) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.EmeticStream
maxBy(CheckedComparator<? super T, ? extends E>) - Static method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.CheckedBinaryOperator
min(CheckedComparator<? super T, ?>) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.EmeticStream
minBy(CheckedComparator<? super T, E>) - Static method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.CheckedBinaryOperator


negate() - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.CheckedPredicate
noneMatch(CheckedPredicate<? super T, ?>) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.EmeticStream


onClose(Runnable) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.EmeticStream
Returns an equivalent stream with the additional close handler.
or(CheckedPredicate<? super T, ? extends E>) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.CheckedPredicate


parallel() - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.EmeticStream
peek(CheckedConsumer<? super T, ?>) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.EmeticStream


reduce(CheckedBinaryOperator<T, ?>) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.EmeticStream
reduce(T, CheckedBinaryOperator<T, ?>) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.EmeticStream
resetIfInterrupt(Throwable) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
Catching an InterruptedException clears the interrupt flag, this merely resets the flag IFF the thrown parameter is an instance of InterruptedException.
rethrow(Throwable) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
Directly rethrows Errors or RuntimeExceptions, wraps checked exceptions appropriately
RETHROWING - Static variable in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
An Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler that simply rethrows, wrapping in an appropriate unchecked if necessary
reversed() - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.CheckedComparator
run() - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.CheckedRunnable
run(CheckedRunnable<?>) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
Invokes CheckedRunnable.run() catching any checked Exceptions rethrowing them as unchecked.


sequential() - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.EmeticStream
sorted(CheckedComparator<? super T, ?>) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.EmeticStream
spliterator() - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.EmeticStream
Returns a spliterator for the elements of the wrapped stream.
swallow(Throwable) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
Will regurgitate any Error - otherwise will dutifully and silently swallow whole.
SWALLOWING - Static variable in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
An Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler that simply swallows all exceptions, except subclasses of Error, which are rethrown.


test(CheckedPredicate<T, ?>, T) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
Invokes CheckedPredicate.test(Object) catching any checked Exceptions rethrowing as unchecked.
test(T) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.CheckedPredicate
thenComparing(CheckedComparator<? super T, ? extends E>) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.CheckedComparator
thenComparing(CheckedFunction<? super T, ? extends U, E>) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.CheckedComparator
thenComparing(CheckedFunction<? super T, ? extends U, E>, CheckedComparator<? super U, E>) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.CheckedComparator
thenComparingDouble(CheckedToDoubleFunction<? super T, ? extends E>) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.CheckedComparator
thenComparingInt(CheckedToIntFunction<? super T, ? extends E>) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.CheckedComparator
thenComparingLong(CheckedToLongFunction<? super T, ? extends E>) - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.CheckedComparator
throwAsUnchecked(Throwable) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
This fugly method relies on erasure to trick the compiler, allowing you to throw any checked exception without declaring so on the surrounding method.


uncheck(Throwable) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
Converts Throwables to RuntimeExceptions.
uncheckBiConsumer(CheckedBiConsumer<T, U, ?>) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
Convert a CheckedBiConsumer into a BiConsumer.
uncheckBiFunction(CheckedBiFunction<T, U, R, ?>) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
Convert a CheckedBiFunction into a BiFunction.
uncheckBinaryOperator(CheckedBinaryOperator<T, ?>) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
uncheckComparator(CheckedComparator<T, ?>) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
Converts a CheckedComparator into an unchecked Comparator.
uncheckConsumer(CheckedConsumer<T, ?>) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
UncheckedException - Exception in io.earcam.unexceptional
A general purpose unchecked exception, should probably be abstract, so use sparingly and only when lazy Prefer the more specific subclasses
UncheckedException(String) - Constructor for exception io.earcam.unexceptional.UncheckedException
UncheckedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.earcam.unexceptional.UncheckedException
UncheckedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.earcam.unexceptional.UncheckedException
UncheckedInterruptException - Exception in io.earcam.unexceptional
Unchecked exception holding InterruptedException.
UncheckedInterruptException(InterruptedException) - Constructor for exception io.earcam.unexceptional.UncheckedInterruptException
This constructor also sets the interrupt flag see UncheckedException(Throwable)
UncheckedReflectiveException - Exception in io.earcam.unexceptional
Unchecked exception holding ReflectiveOperationException
UncheckedReflectiveException(ReflectiveOperationException) - Constructor for exception io.earcam.unexceptional.UncheckedReflectiveException
UncheckedSecurityException - Exception in io.earcam.unexceptional
Unchecked exception holding GeneralSecurityException
UncheckedSecurityException(GeneralSecurityException) - Constructor for exception io.earcam.unexceptional.UncheckedSecurityException
UncheckedUriSyntaxException - Exception in io.earcam.unexceptional
Unchecked exception wrapping URISyntaxException
UncheckedUriSyntaxException(URISyntaxException) - Constructor for exception io.earcam.unexceptional.UncheckedUriSyntaxException
uncheckFunction(CheckedFunction<T, R, ?>) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
Converts a CheckedFunction into a Function.
uncheckIntConsumer(CheckedIntConsumer<?>) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
uncheckPredicate(CheckedPredicate<T, ?>) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
Converts a CheckedPredicate into a Predicate.
uncheckRunnable(CheckedRunnable<?>) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
Convert a CheckedRunnable into a Runnable
uncheckSupplier(CheckedSupplier<T, ?>) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
Convert a CheckedSupplier into an unchecked Supplier.
uncheckToDoubleFunction(CheckedToDoubleFunction<T, ?>) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
uncheckToIntBiFunction(CheckedToIntBiFunction<T, U, ?>) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
Converts a CheckedToIntBiFunction into an unchecked ToIntBiFunction.
uncheckToIntFunction(CheckedToIntFunction<T, ?>) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
uncheckToLongFunction(CheckedToLongFunction<T, ?>) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
unordered() - Method in interface io.earcam.unexceptional.EmeticStream
Returns an equivalent stream that is unordered.
unwrap(InvocationTargetException) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
Recursively find the wrapped throwable
unwrap(UndeclaredThrowableException) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
Recursively find the wrapped throwable
unwrap(Throwable) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
Attempts to unwrap invocation and unchecked exceptions to their underlying cause.
uri(CharSequence) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
uri(URL) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
Invokes URL.toURI(), catching any URISyntaxException and rethrowing wrapped as UncheckedUriSyntaxException
url(CharSequence) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
url(String, String, int, String, URLStreamHandler) - Static method in class io.earcam.unexceptional.Exceptional
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